No, this is NOT the truck I built back in 1969. It is however the same kit. I built this back in 2006, finding the AMT kit on E-bay. The kit had been started with the chassis built up and the sleeper and cab had been painted turquoise. I stripped the paint using a toothbrush and PineSol with lots of hot water - messy, but it works. The chassis was broken down, glue joints filed and sanded, then put back together. All parts were primed with Testors' grey primer, then painted using Testors' Gloss Red and Gloss Black.
The photo is a composite made using Photoshop. I cut the Pete out of the original photo and pasted it onto the flag along with the Peterbilt logo. The flag on the trucks grill is also a paste onto the grill. The trucks grill now sports nose - art from a plane.

Above is a photo of the same truck - this photo can also be found on the Peterbilt web site, if you know where to look. OK, it's page 6.