Monday, May 23, 2011

FREE MODEL -- Pete 379 and Borden Trailer

This model is free to download, you will need at least 110lb card stock, ADOBE reader, and a good color printer -- did I say these were free?  I just priced 500 sheets of card stock, well at this point it's still cheaper than plastic kits.

The model is one cool looking Pete 379 with a trailer in Borden markings, the download link is below the last trailer picture, or just click this ---- 18 Wheeler Series Papercraft: Peterbilt 379 Semi Truck & Borden Trailer. This will take you to a licence agreement page, agree and you will go to the pdf page. Save this so you can print the model -- password  to open the model in ADOBE is paper-relika. com ----- You will also need to print out the instructions for this from the online page -- do this on regular paper and save some money!!!

Blogger Search Engine

Don't know why I didn't think of this before???? I have now added a search engine to my blogger page -- that's it at the top of the right column on the home page. I hope this will help make my pages more convenient for the user by being able to search for a specific subject while on site.

Happy truckin -- George