Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fond Memory - The Big Book of Real Trucks, by: George J. Zaffo

Sterling Dump Truck by George J Zaffo

My wife has been cleaning house and she brought out a book that has been mine for as long as I can remember. I think I must have been five at the time it was given to me. The cover shows wear on the edges, the binding is gone, pages torn, and yes I scribbled on some of those pages. It was one of my favorite books way back when, and no wonder, because it was about trucks.

The book can still be found, though it is getting harder and more expensive to find a "good" copy. So, for the time being I have tried to "restore" the art of George J. Zaffo.

This post is dedicated to his memory, and for giving me and other truck lovers our fond memories of childhood past.

The pictures here, some restored, are all by George Zaffo.

Mack EHU - circa 1947

1940's Mack LR Heavy Duty Dump Truck

International Cattle Truck

Mack with Lowboy

Mack Concrete Truck

1 comment:

  1. are you sure we weren't separated at birth?

    My son, who lives next door to me and has just about every AMT truck model, sent me a link to your blog.

    I've been scrolling through it and then---SHAMWOW! George Zaffo!

    I have about five or six copies of that book including two first editions. I had it as a kid and even now, at 60 years of age, still re-read it and marvel at the photos. He did fire engines and interstate highways and wrecking machines also.

    Your interests are the saem as mine.
    I enjoy reading your blog.

    ps, I also own a bus!


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