Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Truck Hunting

THE HUNTED - 1941 Chevy 1 1/2 ton

It was a good day for truck hunting, I had the day off and it was threatening to snow. I had an errand to run for Jan, so I took her camera along with the intent to head over to an old truck I spot every day on my bus route.

Well, I took a detour, and it as worth the time. I started my hunt at Sullivan's Fire Apparatus and found this Mack COE:

I drove out back to find this old Dodge waiting for some care.

Then I was off to my quest - to re-shoot a 1941 Chevy 1 1/2 ton. I found it like you see it in this picture.

Whoa, wait a minute, where's the hood? I found it. Half setting on one side, almost buried, the other half hidden in some brush.

I love the lines of this old truck. All together I took ten pictures - a beautiful late fall day!


  1. Love the old chevy photos!


  2. Where is this truck?

    1. This truck is located on Chemung Road, between Breeseport and Chemung, NY. See the map on these photos ---


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