Tuesday, February 03, 2009

It's OK to comment - REALLY!!!

Yes, it is OK to leave a comment on any of my posts and hey, if you leave an email, I'll write back. That's what Franz did - he's from West Germany and left a comment on a post I did on the Mack H-63. Franz is one great truck modeler, and he is currently working on a resin kit of a Mack H-63.


Franz also sent some pictures of some builds he has done of some European Trucks - I am not good at identifying these models, so I will use the titles he gave.

MAN F8 Orientline No.1

Scania T142 H Silberente

I think this is Franz in the next picture with another of his great truck models. The picture says:

Austellung Haar bei Munchen (with two dots above the u in Munchen)

I know Franz's English is better than my German by far!! Franz also sent me this neat picture of a truck he photographed.

Hofbesuch Spiess Volvo FH16

I am always looking for trucks to add to my collection. Feel free to drop a comment, and leave a way for me to write back.

Thank you Franz -


  1. Hello from Maryland, USA. Great stuff. I love truck models, too. But mine are nowhere near as well done as yours.

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If posting as anonymous, PLEASE send me an e-mail so I can get back to you.