The popular TV series "IRONSIDE" was produced by Universal Studios and ran from it's premier in 1967 until 1975. The first thirteen pictures in this video show the Paddy Wagon that was used to carry Robert Ironside (played by Raymond Burr) from place to place during the first three seasons. It should be noted that while modifications were made to that vehicle, the overall body remained unchanged -- I like to think of this vehicle as "THE IRONSIDE PADDY WAGON"
The last three pictures show what I call the "Demise Vehicle". This similar looking truck was used early in the third season when the "PADDY WAGON" met its' death.
Note very carefully that this is NOT the original vehicle. The rear fenders are different. The windshield is rounded, the door windows are different, and the box extends to hide the chassis behind the running board. Also, I do not believe that "THE IRONSIDE PADDY WAGON" had an air scoop vent just in front of the windshield.
It is my unproven contention that the vehicle used in the demise was a "parts" vehicle.
If that is the case, what happened to the "REAL THING"?
Give me your thoughts ----
It's clear to me the original had no vent in front of the windshield and the crash one did.