Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Yep, thanks to all who showed up to the MURPHEY gathering for the wonderful gift of family!! And while all gifts were CERTAINLY appreciated, this is a blog about trucks.

So, a special thanks to my oldest daughter who got me --- oh heck you already guessed it ---

It came yesterday. Actually she said it was supposed to be delivered UPS on Monday, but that was not the case. I was out in the neighborhood yesterday and spotted the UPS truck making deliveries, and I was next.
I have completed the rear end and rear wheel hubs for paint. This is going to be a patient build, and yes, it will be done as a ROADWAY truck.---

Thanks guys -- GREAT CHRISTMAS all around!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My Merry Christmas Trucks

I was talking with my buddy Jerry last night about getting things ready for Christmas this weekend and having all our kids home for the holiday. It WILL BE GREAT!!
He reminded me however that I should have a "special" ornament on my tree -- of course a truck.
My reply was that we already incorporated a neat couple of trucks in our Christmas decoration theme --- I've sort of adopted them as mine.



Sunday, December 13, 2009

AMT/ERTL -- Mack DM-600

This post is about yet another memory now almost long gone, but brought to light once again by a post on HANK'S TRUCK FORUM. Recently there was a discussion on ROADWAY trucks, and the memory came flooding back.

One of my other treasured models, now long gone, was an AMT/ERTL -- 1/25 scale MACK DM-600 done up in ROADWAY colors. I am sad to say that I gave it away, and I don't even have a picture.

However, I AM EXTREMELY PLEASED that this kit has apparently been reproduced and I believe is available through MODEL ROUNDUP.

I am hoping this will be my Christmas present this year!!

Can see it now -- ROADWAY!!!!