Saturday, December 19, 2009

My Merry Christmas Trucks

I was talking with my buddy Jerry last night about getting things ready for Christmas this weekend and having all our kids home for the holiday. It WILL BE GREAT!!
He reminded me however that I should have a "special" ornament on my tree -- of course a truck.
My reply was that we already incorporated a neat couple of trucks in our Christmas decoration theme --- I've sort of adopted them as mine.




  1. Hey, George: It is indeed an HONOR to be mentioned by The Great Master Of All Things Classic Trucking!! GREAT Christmas trucks, my friend, which inspired me to dig out one of my own, a buy a couple of more..... GREAT site, my friend!!!! CLEARLY reflects your love and passion for classic trucks!! Bud, Jerry

  2. Hey there, George: As you know, I got my two "Christmas Trucks" in the mail on Christmas Eve, and, with a couple of others, have now officially started my annual "Christmas Truck" display! Heck, it looks SO DANG COOL, I might just leave it up ALL year!! Thanks for the great idea!! Bud, Jerry

  3. Hey, George: Yours truly just obtained ANOTHER realy COOOOL classic "Christmas Truck" for his Christmas Truck Display! Our local Hallmark store had all thier Hallmark ornaments at 50% off, and, I not only got a few COOOOOOL Lionel collector train ornaments to add to my humongous train collection, but, also I also got this COOOOOL '65 Chevy fire truck!!! AND....when you push a button on the truck bed, the red dome light flashes and the headlights light!!! A REAL beauty!!! It's now PROUDLY displayed with my other "Christmas Trucks"!! Again, I thank you for the idea!!! Bud, Jerry

  4. This is getting WILD!! After galdly purchasing that half-price HALLMARK '65 Chevy fire truck earlier today, (WITH WORKING LIGHTS), I remembered that I had a '61 Chevy fire truck (HALLMARK), that I had put away last year. Dug it out and put some batteries in.....LIGHTS UP COOL!!! Now...I have SIX.....count 'em.....SIX Christmas Trucks displayed!!! Look DANG nice, let me tell you!! Bud, Jerry

  5. I'm not really into trucks, but I love these! I will pass this blog link on to my husband :-)


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