Sunday, October 03, 2010


This is one post that evokes many emotions for me, both as a school bus driver and a student who back in the late 50's and early 60's rode a BROCKWAY bus to and from school. I have been following the fate of this bus on the BROCKWAY TRUCK FORUM in the following thread, BROCKWAY SCHOOL BUS FOR SALE  since it first appeared. I am truly overjoyed by this final outcome!!

The picture above was taken by one of the members of the recovery crew, after the bus was pulled from the woods. I still can not believe the exterior condition of this bus having set for the time it did. This is indeed a rare find and will make for a unique restoration project.

Thanks to all who joined in to make this save possible -- you know that I will be following this project and looking forward to more pictures!!!

1 comment:

  1. Woow!!! i can't believe it!!! i didn't knew Brockway made buses back then! Sir, since u drove or rode in them, how did it sounded? like a screaming jimmy? or A Mack?


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