Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Greyhound Bus and Van Lines --- On Facebook

For anyone interested in anything relating to Greyhound Bus and Van Lines, also Grey Van Lines please consider joining this FACEBOOK group -- GREYHOUND BUS and Van Lines -- Get your GREYHOUND fix!

This FACEBOOK group is about anything that relates to GREYHOUND, buses, depots, toys, ads, anything GREYHOUND. We even have Robert Gabrick, author of " GOING THE GREYHOUND WAY - The Romance of the Road" as one of our members. His son Ross serves with me as an administrator.

This is an "open group". and requires you to have a FACEBOOK account.

Here are some examples of some pics you might see when you join --- Your ticket is waiting, come along for the ride!! Click on the links in this message.

1 comment:

  1. A very nice collection of images, especially the colorized photos done by my friend George Murphey!!!!


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