Thursday, June 18, 2015

B&W truck pics brought to you in living color.

I've got a new hobby, converting B&W photos to COLOR, As much fun as making a model except the paints are cheaper!!! Here are a couple of examples ---

Here is a Federal COE --

An International and Fruehauf

If you like these, there are more on FLICKR ----Colorized by George Murphey

Sunday, May 03, 2015

It takes a great trailer -- FRUEHAUF on FACEBOOK

  Like the title says, it take a great trailer to make a great tractor - trailer combo. Now you can have the best of both worlds by joining a FACEBOOK group started by Ruth Ann Fruehauf of the Fruehauf Trailer family -- here are some examples of what you're in for --

   You can join in the fun by following this link -- see you there!!!